Children's Church
We want our kids to know God and to grow in God. Lessons are presented in kid-friendly ways and in a kid-friendly environment. This combination makes the lessons easy to understand and to remember. You will be delighted at what transpires when the Word of God is sown into the lives of your children.

Bible Quiz
Bible Quizzing is a ministry designed to put the Word of God in the hearts of young people. It helps young people mature in attitude, emotions and most of all, helps them grow spiritually. There are very few other areas in which young people are able to socialize with so many other godly people their age on a regular basis. While the ministry assists in so many other aspects of a young person’s life, it also is extremely competitive and exciting! For more info:
Great opportunity to serve, be inspired and to also hang out with other youth. In addition to regular scheduled services, students have the opportunity to participate in special event, such as conventions, camps and other local fellowship activities.

"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17

Ladies Connect
At the beginning of every month ladies meet to pray for their children, marriages, and families. Here they connect lady to lady. For more info about the UPCILadiesMinistries visit
Prayer Power
Prayer is a powerful tool God has given us to pull down strongholds and build up the kingdom of God. We connect in prayer every Wednesday evening before bible study @6:30pm.

Come and join us reaching our community together. There are so many levels we have in place to connect our church to the community. WE HAVE A HEART TO SERVE.